Vocation Discernment:

Do you have a desire within to serve our Lord and his Church? Do you feel that you have a calling to the Diaconate or Priesthood? Send us an email to SocietyofPiusIX@gmail.com and include the following in your letter.
  1. Full Name.
  2. Residence.
  3. Contact Information.
  4. Baptismal Attestation.
  5. Seminary Education. (transcripts or attestation of current enrollment)
  6. An explanation of your Calling.

Once your letter has been received and reviewed, a member from our Board will contact you for further discussion and discernment.

Reception of Clerics and Religious:

Clergyman and Religious who wish to be received into the Society may submit a Letter of Reception Request via email to SocietyofPiusIX@gmail.com and include the following in your letter, with any and all applicable documents.
  1. Full Name.
  2. Residence.
  3. Contact Information.
  4. Baptismal Attestation.
  5. Curriculum Vitae
  6. Seminary Education Transcripts.
  7. Letter(s) of Ordination, or Vows Professed.
  8. Attestation of Current Ministry.

Once your letter has been received and reviewed, the Rector of the Society (or a member of our Board) will contact you for further discussion and discernment. We invite applications for reception from clergy and religious who uphold Catholic teaching. 
Please Note:
  • Bishops who apply for reception into the Society will, upon reception, function as priests for a minimum of one calendar year before an application for recognition of episcopal status can be considered.
  • Since the Society of Pius IX adheres to the litirugical formularies of the catholic faith, all ordinations are confered using the Roman Pontrifical in Latin. Therefore, Conditional or sub-conditional ordination may be required for any clergyman seeking reception whose orders are in question.

Parishes and Chapels:

The following framework has been developed in order to protect parishes from corrupt bishops, inspired by the English and Celtic monastic model.